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Frete grátis para toda a Europa em todos os produtos OpticGard para pedidos acima de €50

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OpticGard-proteção para mira óptica Adaptável com Holosun 507COMP < % cor da caixa % >
Color de la carcasa: Black
A proteção OpticGard para o Holosun® 507 COMP oferece proteção contra objetos voadores e arranhões. O design inteligente permite ajustar a proteção para a maioria dos visores traseiros e silenciadores. Além disso, o conjunto inclui uma lente de treinamento removível, permitindo o uso do ponto vermelho sob luz solar direta ou em iluminação forte. Nossa proteção é feita de TPU (poliuretano termoplástico), garantindo resistência ao desgaste. A instalação é rápida e simples, permitindo o uso dos botões sem remover a proteção. Por fim, os clipes de fixação garantem que a proteção não caia, mesmo sob impacto forte. Cansado de cobrir a mira durante os treinos de tiro? A lente de treinamento removível oferece uma solução moderna! Principais características: Compatível com armas de fogo Protege contra objetos voadores e arranhões Ajuste inteligente para a maioria dos visores e silenciadores Inclui lente de treinamento removível para uso em iluminação forte Auxilia nos treinos de tiro Feita de materiais duráveis como TPU e policarbonato Clipes de fixação para instalação segura, mesmo sob impacto forte NOTA: A PROTEÇÃO OPTICGARD NÃO É NECESSARIAMENTE COMPATÍVEL COM MUDANÇAS OU VISÕES DIANTEIRAS EMBUTIDAS, É NECESSÁRIO ESPAÇO ADEQUADO PARA A INSTALAÇÃO. Entworfen in den USA, Patent angemeldet - Der weltweit erste Zielfernrohrschutz, der Ihre Optik vor Absplitterungen, Kratzern und Schrammen während des Gebrauchs schützt. Erhält die Sichtbarkeit des Rotpunkts im Gegensatz zu anderen Staubschutzkappen, die vom Rotpunkt entfernt werden müssen, um verwendet zu werden. Stoßfest - Das Opticgard-Zielfernrohrschutzgehäuse mit eingebauten Verriegelungsstiften ist stoßfest und wurde entwickelt, um das Zielfernrohr vor Kratzern und Schrammen durch regelmäßigen Gebrauch zu schützen. OpticGard-Abdeckung mit intelligentem Schnitt zur Anpassung an die meisten Hintervisiere. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für Occlusionstraining Schnelle und einfache Installation mit Zugriff auf die Tasten Acessórios 2 aizsargbrilles OpticGard treniņam Holosun H507 COMP <% cor da armação %> Dados mestre EAN: 4055132027384 Garantia: 1 Anos Customs tariff number: 90139005000 Parâmetros mecânicos Dimensões: 50.8x36.83x44.45 mm Material: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Cor do invólucro: Black Peso: 28.35 g Informações de segurança do produto Fabricante Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Operador económico responsável Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

34,90 €*
Vyzinsky OpticGard escudo, projetado para Holosun 510C:
Color de la carcasa: Black
OpticGard - proteção para miras Holosun® 510C, que oferece proteção contra projéteis voadores e arranhões. Graças ao corte inteligente, a proteção ajusta-se à maioria das miras traseiras e silenciadores. Inclui também uma lente substituível para treinos, permitindo o uso da mira vermelha sob luz solar intensa ou em condições iluminadas. Nossa proteção é feita de TPU (poliuretano termoplástico), um material que oferece resistência ao desgaste. Além disso, proporciona instalação rápida e fácil, oferecendo acesso fácil aos botões sem necessidade de remover a proteção. Em conclusão, os pinos combinados garantem que a proteção permaneça no lugar mesmo durante impactos fortes. Está cansado de cobrir a mira apenas durante os treinos? Nossa lente substituível para treinos é a solução moderna! Principais características: Confortável de usar com a arma Proteção contra projéteis voadores e arranhões Corte inteligente, ajustando-se à maioria das miras traseiras e silenciadores Inclui lente substituível para treinos em condições iluminadas Facilita treinos exclusivos Feito de TPU e policarbonato, que oferecem resistência ao desgaste Pinos combinados para fixação segura mesmo durante fortes impactos NOTA: A PROTEÇÃO OPTICGARD NÃO É NECESSARIAMENTE COMPATÍVEL COM A MIRA TRASEIRA INSTALADA ANTES DA MIRA PRINCIPAL. É NECESSÁRIO ESPAÇO SUFICIENTE NO CORPO DA MIRA PARA FIXAÇÃO SEGURA. Entworfen in den USA. Patentanmeldung läuft - Der weltweit erste Zielfernrohrschutz, der Ihre Optik vor Absplittern, Kratzern und Schrammen während des Einsatzes schützt. Erhält die Sichtbarkeit des Rotpunkts, anders als andere Staubschutzabdeckungen, die vor der Nutzung vom Rotpunkt entfernt werden müssen. Stoßfest - Die Opticgard-Zielfernrohrabdeckung mit integrierten Verriegelungsstiften ist stoßfest und wurde entwickelt, um das Visier vor Kratzern und Schrammen durch regelmäßigen Gebrauch zu schützen. OpticGard-Abdeckung mit intelligentem Schnitt, um die Abdeckung an die meisten hinteren Visiere anzupassen. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für Okklusionstraining Schnelle und einfache Installation mit Zugang zu den Tasten Dados mestre EAN: 4055132027490 Garantia: 1 Anos Customs tariff number: 90139005000 Parâmetros mecânicos Dimensões: 88.9x44.45x44.45 mm Material: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Cor do invólucro: Black Peso: 56.7 g Informações de segurança do produto Fabricante Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Operador económico responsável Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

39,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Black
Color de la carcasa: Black
THIS COVER IS DESIGNED FOR 407C-X2 /507C-X2, IT DOES NOT FIT HOLOSUN 507C-V2/407C-V2. The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® 507C-X2/407C-X2 offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Key Features: Can be used while using the firearm Offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches Intelligent cut fits most rear and suppressor sights Includes detachable training lens for use in bright areas Helps with occlusion training Made from TPU material and polycarbonate for abrasion protection Interlocking pins for secure fit, even with heavy recoil NOTE: OPTICGARD COVERS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH BACKUP SIGHTS THAT ARE MOUNTED IN FRONT OF THE OPTIC. SUFFICIENT SPACE IS NEEDED FOR THE COVER TO LATCH ONTO THE FRONT OF THE OPTIC HOUSING. NOTE: PLEASE INSTALL DETACHABLE LENS BEFORE COVER. Designed in USA Patent Pending- World's First Scope Protector That Protects Your Optics From Chips Scratches and Scuffs While in Action Maintains Red Dot Visibility Unlike Others Dust Cover Must Be Removed From Red Dot in Order For Use. Shockproof - Opticgard Scope Cover build in the Interlocking Pins Are Shockproof and is Designed to Shield the Optic From Scratches, Scuffs Caused by Regular Use OpticGard Cover with Intelligent Cut to Allow Cover to Fit Most of Rear Sight Includes a training lens for Occlussion training Fast and easy installation with access to buttons Acessórios OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Dados mestre EAN: 4055132027063 UPC: 688292663570 Garantia: 1 Anos Customs tariff number: 90139005000 Parâmetros mecânicos Dimensões: 50x34.29x34.29 mm Material: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Cor do invólucro: Black Peso: 28.35 g Informações de segurança do produto Fabricante Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Operador económico responsável Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

34,90 €*
Proteção OpticGard para telescópios, adequada para os modelos Holosun SCS320
Color de la carcasa: Black
O protetor OpticGuard para Holosun® SCS 320 oferece proteção contra cápsulas voadoras e arranhões. Seu design inteligente permite a adaptação à maioria dos sistemas de montagem traseira e dianteira. Inclui também uma lente de treino removível, que permite o uso de mira vermelha em condições de sol forte ou iluminação brilhante. Nossa proteção é feita de TPU (poliuretano termoplástico) e oferece resistência ao desgaste. Além disso, o ajuste rápido e fácil permite o uso dos botões sem remover a proteção. Finalmente, os clipes de fixação garantem que a proteção permaneça no lugar mesmo durante impactos fortes. Cansados de treinar com alvos cobertos? A lente de treino removível oferece uma solução avançada! Principais características: Útil durante disparos Protege contra cápsulas voadoras e arranhões Design inteligente adaptável à maioria dos sistemas de montagem traseira e dianteira Inclui lente de treino removível, utilizável em iluminação brilhante Suporta treinamento exclusivo Feito de TPU e policarbonato para maior resistência ao desgaste Clipes de fixação asseguram estabilidade mesmo durante impactos fortes ATENÇÃO: O PROTETOR OPTICGUARD NÃO É NECESSARIAMENTE COMPATÍVEL COM OUTROS ALVOS DIANTEIROS. É necessário espaço suficiente entre a zona do alvo dianteiro. ATENÇÃO: Compatível apenas com SCS 320, não compatível com outros modelos SCS. Entworfen in den USA, Patent angemeldet - Der weltweit erste Schutz für Zielfernrohre, der Ihre Optiken vor Absplitterungen, Kratzern und Schrammen während des Gebrauchs schützt. Beibehaltung der Rotpunkt-Sichtbarkeit im Gegensatz zu anderen Staubschutzabdeckungen, die vom Rotpunkt entfernt werden müssen, um verwendet werden zu können. Stoßfest - Das Opticgard Zielfernrohr Cover mit integrierten Verriegelungsstiften ist stoßfest und zum Schutz des Objektivs vor Kratzern und Abrieb durch regelmäßigen Gebrauch konzipiert. OpticGard-Abdeckung mit intelligentem Schnitt, um die Abdeckung an die meisten Hintervisiere anzupassen. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für das Okklusionstraining Schnelle und einfache Installation mit Zugang zu den Tasten. Dados mestre EAN: 4055132027582 Garantia: 1 Anos Customs tariff number: 90139005000 Parâmetros mecânicos Dimensões: 50.8x30.48x27.94 mm Material: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Cor do invólucro: Black Peso: 28.65 g Artigos adequados Holosun SCS-320-GR Visor de Reflexo Aberto com Ponto Vermelho + ponto 2MOA intercambiável, círculo de 32MOA Absehen célula solar, preto, caça, tiro desportivo Softair, mini táticoEste visor reflexivo aberto SCS-320-GR para Sig Sauer OR P320 & DPP Footprint Interfaces com retículo verde de 2MOA/32MOA é caracterizado pela sua retícula intercambiável, modo solar eficiente e reca… Informações de segurança do produto Fabricante Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Operador económico responsável Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

34,90 €*


Linsenteile für OpticGard-Objektivabdeckung. Können nicht eigenständig funktionieren und nur in Verbindung mit der Objektivabdeckung.

Produktgalerie überspringen
OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 510C Black
Color de la carcasa: Black
Comes with two training lens for Holosun® 510C Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! NOTE: TRAINING COVER WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT OPTIC COVER Dados mestre EAN: 4055132031039 Customs tariff number: 90139005000 Parâmetros mecânicos Material: Polycarbonate (PC) Cor do invólucro: Black Informações de segurança do produto Fabricante Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Operador económico responsável Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

14,90 €*
Produktgalerie überspringen




Item arrived in a timely manner



Think it’s a perfect lil protector for my holosun .Works perfectly and good fit …


Shipped fast

Shipped fast and quality is better than i expected. Fitment is spot on


This item arrived on the estimated delivery date.

This item arrived on the estimated delivery date.


Great fit

Great fit. Excellent training tool.


OpticGard Scope Cover for Trijicon® RMR Type 1 & Type 2

OpticGard Scope Cover for Trijicon® RMR Type 1 & Type 2


Product arrived quickly

Product arrived quickly and just like it looks in the advertisement. Fits well !


Excellent fit and protection for optic.

The piece fits seamless over my holosun 407k. Provides bump protection and really changes the athste…

The piece fits seamless over my holosun 407k. Provides bump protection and really changes the athstetic. Running it on an sig sauger x macro as an everyday carry I can run the dot on a higher setting then normal and when I point out it’s very easy to pick up. The kill flash is perfect contrast against any background.


OpticGard Scope Cover for Aimpoint® ACRO P-2

OpticGard Scope Cover for Aimpoint® ACRO P-2


Fits like a glove over l the scope.

Fits like a glove over l the scope. Considering a scope is half the price of your weapon it only mak…

Fits like a glove over l the scope. Considering a scope is half the price of your weapon it only makes sense to protect it. Great product that does what it says.


Does what it says it does, protects your sights.

Does what it says it does, protects your sights. Easy instructions and installation of product. Will…

Does what it says it does, protects your sights. Easy instructions and installation of product. Will definitely be used for all sights.


Love it.

Optics are expensive. I love how this snaps into place and protects my SCS. It’s low profile enough …

Optics are expensive. I love how this snaps into place and protects my SCS. It’s low profile enough to fit my holster and stays in place while firing. Exactly what I needed.


Doesn’t fit quite as clean as I would like.

Doesn’t fit quite as clean as I would like. The side that the brightness adjustment buttons are does…

Doesn’t fit quite as clean as I would like. The side that the brightness adjustment buttons are does not sit flush, which makes brightness adjustment tough. Looks good on it though. Also there is not hole for windage adjustment so switching optic from rifle to rifle requires removal to make adjustments.


GlareGard™ Lens for Holosun® 507 COMP

GlareGard™ Lens for Holosun® 507 COMP


Great product

Great product and it looks awesome on the optic!


Protects your redot while you carry daily

With prices of slide mounted red dots going crazy why wouldn't you want to protect it? The optiguard…

With prices of slide mounted red dots going crazy why wouldn't you want to protect it? The optiguard fits perfect and functions great! Will buy one for every red dot I have


Fits perfectly

Fits perfectly and works fine. Nice cover for the Holosun.



This OpticGard works amazing with no extra movement once installed. Definitely feels good having an …

This OpticGard works amazing with no extra movement once installed. Definitely feels good having an extra layer of protection.


Goes great

Goes great with the OpticGard and still giving me excellent sight picture. It also helps protect the front glass.



Excellent. I love how it looks, and it fits perfectly on my SCS 320.



Glareguard holosub 510c fits well very material is very tough helps with sun glare works good so far…

Glareguard holosub 510c fits well very material is very tough helps with sun glare works good so far recommend order more in the future


Better than advertised! Protect yo optic!

Easy and firm going on, holds secure, firm but easy off for adjustments and zeroing.


Great cover

Great cover, fair price.


Looks and fits perfectly.

Very nice cover. Looks awesome on my Sig X10 Comp.



Awesome..make sure you hear the snap when installing


Kinda hard to see out

Kinda hard to see out of compared to the ones for a scope but I still likey


Nice addition

The cover does what was designed to do...protect the optic. The fit is great allowing the cover to e…

The cover does what was designed to do...protect the optic. The fit is great allowing the cover to easily snap into place and allowing the side button to be activated as needed. All I need now is some camo patterns.


Looks and protects

Looks great fits great.


Fits and looks great.

Fits and looks great. Works well as a scratch protector. I bought to change the color of my wolf gra…

Fits and looks great. Works well as a scratch protector. I bought to change the color of my wolf gray 510c to fde. My only issue was that the bottom 1/4" or so isn't covered. Not a big deal on a black optic, but looked funny with fde, a strip of gray then the black base. I ended up using some edc wrap in arid camouflage that I cut myself and covered the bottom 1/4". It came out awesome!


Perfect fit

PERFECT fit and performs as described. Removes the glare and keeps your sights clear! One would thin…

PERFECT fit and performs as described. Removes the glare and keeps your sights clear! One would think it would impair your vision down sight, but you can still see very clearly through it.

logo OpticGard

Quem somos nós

OpticGard é especializada na fabricação de capas de alta qualidade para visores reflexos que protegem sua ótica de forma excelente, proporcionando um efeito de treinamento adicional e adicionando um toque de estilo pessoal. Nossa gama inclui capas protetoras especialmente desenvolvidas para nossos próprios modelos, como Holosun® 507/407, 508T e muitos outros, bem como para visores reflexos de fabricantes estrangeiros renomados, como Trijicon, Vortex, Leupold, Aimpoint e SIG Sauer. Nossas capas inovadoras continuam a permitir o uso completo do visor reflexo enquanto o protegem de maneira ideal. Nossos produtos se destacam com inúmeras funcionalidades, entre elas materiais extremamente duráveis, treinamento orientado por objetivos, personalização e muito mais. Proteja seu visor reflexo em ação e experimente a combinação de funcionalidade, efeito de treinamento e design elegante com as capas da OpticGard.

Produktgalerie überspringen




Item arrived in a timely manner



Think it’s a perfect lil protector for my holosun .Works perfectly and good fit …


Shipped fast

Shipped fast and quality is better than i expected. Fitment is spot on


This item arrived on the estimated delivery date.

This item arrived on the estimated delivery date.


Great fit

Great fit. Excellent training tool.


OpticGard Scope Cover for Trijicon® RMR Type 1 & Type 2

OpticGard Scope Cover for Trijicon® RMR Type 1 & Type 2


Product arrived quickly

Product arrived quickly and just like it looks in the advertisement. Fits well !


Excellent fit and protection for optic.

The piece fits seamless over my holosun 407k. Provides bump protection and really changes the athste…

The piece fits seamless over my holosun 407k. Provides bump protection and really changes the athstetic. Running it on an sig sauger x macro as an everyday carry I can run the dot on a higher setting then normal and when I point out it’s very easy to pick up. The kill flash is perfect contrast against any background.


OpticGard Scope Cover for Aimpoint® ACRO P-2

OpticGard Scope Cover for Aimpoint® ACRO P-2


Fits like a glove over l the scope.

Fits like a glove over l the scope. Considering a scope is half the price of your weapon it only mak…

Fits like a glove over l the scope. Considering a scope is half the price of your weapon it only makes sense to protect it. Great product that does what it says.


Does what it says it does, protects your sights.

Does what it says it does, protects your sights. Easy instructions and installation of product. Will…

Does what it says it does, protects your sights. Easy instructions and installation of product. Will definitely be used for all sights.


Love it.

Optics are expensive. I love how this snaps into place and protects my SCS. It’s low profile enough …

Optics are expensive. I love how this snaps into place and protects my SCS. It’s low profile enough to fit my holster and stays in place while firing. Exactly what I needed.


Doesn’t fit quite as clean as I would like.

Doesn’t fit quite as clean as I would like. The side that the brightness adjustment buttons are does…

Doesn’t fit quite as clean as I would like. The side that the brightness adjustment buttons are does not sit flush, which makes brightness adjustment tough. Looks good on it though. Also there is not hole for windage adjustment so switching optic from rifle to rifle requires removal to make adjustments.


GlareGard™ Lens for Holosun® 507 COMP

GlareGard™ Lens for Holosun® 507 COMP


Great product

Great product and it looks awesome on the optic!


Protects your redot while you carry daily

With prices of slide mounted red dots going crazy why wouldn't you want to protect it? The optiguard…

With prices of slide mounted red dots going crazy why wouldn't you want to protect it? The optiguard fits perfect and functions great! Will buy one for every red dot I have


Fits perfectly

Fits perfectly and works fine. Nice cover for the Holosun.



This OpticGard works amazing with no extra movement once installed. Definitely feels good having an …

This OpticGard works amazing with no extra movement once installed. Definitely feels good having an extra layer of protection.


Goes great

Goes great with the OpticGard and still giving me excellent sight picture. It also helps protect the front glass.



Excellent. I love how it looks, and it fits perfectly on my SCS 320.



Glareguard holosub 510c fits well very material is very tough helps with sun glare works good so far…

Glareguard holosub 510c fits well very material is very tough helps with sun glare works good so far recommend order more in the future


Better than advertised! Protect yo optic!

Easy and firm going on, holds secure, firm but easy off for adjustments and zeroing.


Great cover

Great cover, fair price.


Looks and fits perfectly.

Very nice cover. Looks awesome on my Sig X10 Comp.



Awesome..make sure you hear the snap when installing


Kinda hard to see out

Kinda hard to see out of compared to the ones for a scope but I still likey


Nice addition

The cover does what was designed to do...protect the optic. The fit is great allowing the cover to e…

The cover does what was designed to do...protect the optic. The fit is great allowing the cover to easily snap into place and allowing the side button to be activated as needed. All I need now is some camo patterns.


Looks and protects

Looks great fits great.


Fits and looks great.

Fits and looks great. Works well as a scratch protector. I bought to change the color of my wolf gra…

Fits and looks great. Works well as a scratch protector. I bought to change the color of my wolf gray 510c to fde. My only issue was that the bottom 1/4" or so isn't covered. Not a big deal on a black optic, but looked funny with fde, a strip of gray then the black base. I ended up using some edc wrap in arid camouflage that I cut myself and covered the bottom 1/4". It came out awesome!


Perfect fit

PERFECT fit and performs as described. Removes the glare and keeps your sights clear! One would thin…

PERFECT fit and performs as described. Removes the glare and keeps your sights clear! One would think it would impair your vision down sight, but you can still see very clearly through it.