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Founded in 2013, HOLOSUN® produces high-quality optics and aiming devices. It specializes in innovative reflex and laser sights, as well as night vision-compatible optics. The company is known for its technologically advanced products, valued in civilian, police, and military sectors. Features like solar panels, Shake-Awake technology, and extremely long battery life set new standards in the market of reflex sights and tactical aiming aids.


Escudo Vyzinsky OpticGard, dizajniran za Holosun 510C:
Housing color: Black
OpticGard - zaštita za nišan Holosun® 510C, koja osigurava zaštitu od letećih projektila i ogrebotina. Zahvaljujući pametnom dizajnu, zaštita odgovara većini zadnjih nišana i prigušivača. Uključuje također zamjensku leću za trening, koja omogućava korištenje nišana s crvenom tačkom pod jakim sunčevim svjetlom ili u svijetlom okruženju. Naša zaštita je izrađena od TPU (termoplastičnog poliuretana), materijala koji pruža otpornost na habanje. Osim toga, nudi brzo i lako postavljanje te osigurava lak pristup dugmadima bez potrebe za skidanjem zaštite. Kombinovani čavlići osiguravaju da zaštita ostaje na mjestu čak i prilikom jakih udaraca. Umorni ste od pokrivanja nišana samo tokom treninga? Naša zamjenska trenažna leća je moderno rješenje! Osnovne karakteristike: Ugodan za korištenje s puškom Zaštita od letećih projektila i ogrebotina Pametan dizajn, odgovara većini zadnjih nišana i prigušivača Uključuje zamjensku leću za trening u svijetlom okruženju Pruža ekskluzivne trenažne sesije Izrađen od TPU i polikarbonata, koji osiguravaju otpornost na habanje Kombinovani čavlići za sigurno pričvršćivanje čak i prilikom jakih udaraca NAPOMENA: ZAŠTITA OPTICGARD NIJE NUŽNO KOMPATIBILNA SA ZADNJIM NIŠANIMA POSTAVLJENIM ISPRED GLAVNOG NIŠANA. POTREBAN JE DOVOLJAN PROSTOR NA TIJELU NIŠANA ZA SIGURNO PRIČVRŠĆIVANJE. Entworfen in den USA. Patentanmeldung läuft - Der weltweit erste Zielfernrohrschutz, der Ihre Optik vor Absplittern, Kratzern und Schrammen während des Einsatzes schützt. Erhält die Sichtbarkeit des Rotpunkts, anders als andere Staubschutzabdeckungen, die vor der Nutzung vom Rotpunkt entfernt werden müssen. Stoßfest - Die Opticgard-Zielfernrohrabdeckung mit integrierten Verriegelungsstiften ist stoßfest und wurde entwickelt, um das Visier vor Kratzern und Schrammen durch regelmäßigen Gebrauch zu schützen. OpticGard-Abdeckung mit intelligentem Schnitt, um die Abdeckung an die meisten hinteren Visiere anzupassen. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für Okklusionstraining Schnelle und einfache Installation mit Zugang zu den Tasten Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027490 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 88.9x44.45x44.45 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: Black Težina: 56.7 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

39,90 €*
Escudo Vyzinsky OpticGard, dizajniran za Holosun 510C:
Housing color: FDE | Housing color: FDE (Flat Dark Earth)
OpticGard - zaštita za nišan Holosun® 510C, koja osigurava zaštitu od letećih projektila i ogrebotina. Zahvaljujući pametnom dizajnu, zaštita odgovara većini zadnjih nišana i prigušivača. Uključuje također zamjensku leću za trening, koja omogućava korištenje nišana s crvenom tačkom pod jakim sunčevim svjetlom ili u svijetlom okruženju. Naša zaštita je izrađena od TPU (termoplastičnog poliuretana), materijala koji pruža otpornost na habanje. Osim toga, nudi brzo i lako postavljanje te osigurava lak pristup dugmadima bez potrebe za skidanjem zaštite. Kombinovani čavlići osiguravaju da zaštita ostaje na mjestu čak i prilikom jakih udaraca. Umorni ste od pokrivanja nišana samo tokom treninga? Naša zamjenska trenažna leća je moderno rješenje! Osnovne karakteristike: Ugodan za korištenje s puškom Zaštita od letećih projektila i ogrebotina Pametan dizajn, odgovara većini zadnjih nišana i prigušivača Uključuje zamjensku leću za trening u svijetlom okruženju Pruža ekskluzivne trenažne sesije Izrađen od TPU i polikarbonata, koji osiguravaju otpornost na habanje Kombinovani čavlići za sigurno pričvršćivanje čak i prilikom jakih udaraca NAPOMENA: ZAŠTITA OPTICGARD NIJE NUŽNO KOMPATIBILNA SA ZADNJIM NIŠANIMA POSTAVLJENIM ISPRED GLAVNOG NIŠANA. POTREBAN JE DOVOLJAN PROSTOR NA TIJELU NIŠANA ZA SIGURNO PRIČVRŠĆIVANJE. Entworfen in den USA. Patentanmeldung läuft - Der weltweit erste Zielfernrohrschutz, der Ihre Optik vor Absplittern, Kratzern und Schrammen während des Einsatzes schützt. Erhält die Sichtbarkeit des Rotpunkts, anders als andere Staubschutzabdeckungen, die vor der Nutzung vom Rotpunkt entfernt werden müssen. Stoßfest - Die Opticgard-Zielfernrohrabdeckung mit integrierten Verriegelungsstiften ist stoßfest und wurde entwickelt, um das Visier vor Kratzern und Schrammen durch regelmäßigen Gebrauch zu schützen. OpticGard-Abdeckung mit intelligentem Schnitt, um die Abdeckung an die meisten hinteren Visiere anzupassen. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für Okklusionstraining Schnelle und einfache Installation mit Zugang zu den Tasten Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027520 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 88.9x44.45x44.45 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: FDE (Flat Dark Earth) Težina: 56.7 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

39,90 €*
Escudo Vyzinsky OpticGard, dizajniran za Holosun 510C:
Housing color: Carbon Fiber
OpticGard - zaštita za nišan Holosun® 510C, koja osigurava zaštitu od letećih projektila i ogrebotina. Zahvaljujući pametnom dizajnu, zaštita odgovara većini zadnjih nišana i prigušivača. Uključuje također zamjensku leću za trening, koja omogućava korištenje nišana s crvenom tačkom pod jakim sunčevim svjetlom ili u svijetlom okruženju. Naša zaštita je izrađena od TPU (termoplastičnog poliuretana), materijala koji pruža otpornost na habanje. Osim toga, nudi brzo i lako postavljanje te osigurava lak pristup dugmadima bez potrebe za skidanjem zaštite. Kombinovani čavlići osiguravaju da zaštita ostaje na mjestu čak i prilikom jakih udaraca. Umorni ste od pokrivanja nišana samo tokom treninga? Naša zamjenska trenažna leća je moderno rješenje! Osnovne karakteristike: Ugodan za korištenje s puškom Zaštita od letećih projektila i ogrebotina Pametan dizajn, odgovara većini zadnjih nišana i prigušivača Uključuje zamjensku leću za trening u svijetlom okruženju Pruža ekskluzivne trenažne sesije Izrađen od TPU i polikarbonata, koji osiguravaju otpornost na habanje Kombinovani čavlići za sigurno pričvršćivanje čak i prilikom jakih udaraca NAPOMENA: ZAŠTITA OPTICGARD NIJE NUŽNO KOMPATIBILNA SA ZADNJIM NIŠANIMA POSTAVLJENIM ISPRED GLAVNOG NIŠANA. POTREBAN JE DOVOLJAN PROSTOR NA TIJELU NIŠANA ZA SIGURNO PRIČVRŠĆIVANJE. Entworfen in den USA. Patentanmeldung läuft - Der weltweit erste Zielfernrohrschutz, der Ihre Optik vor Absplittern, Kratzern und Schrammen während des Einsatzes schützt. Erhält die Sichtbarkeit des Rotpunkts, anders als andere Staubschutzabdeckungen, die vor der Nutzung vom Rotpunkt entfernt werden müssen. Stoßfest - Die Opticgard-Zielfernrohrabdeckung mit integrierten Verriegelungsstiften ist stoßfest und wurde entwickelt, um das Visier vor Kratzern und Schrammen durch regelmäßigen Gebrauch zu schützen. OpticGard-Abdeckung mit intelligentem Schnitt, um die Abdeckung an die meisten hinteren Visiere anzupassen. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für Okklusionstraining Schnelle und einfache Installation mit Zugang zu den Tasten Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027247 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 88.9x44.45x44.45 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: Carbon Fiber Težina: 56.7 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

Varijante iz 39,90 €*
49,90 €*
Escudo Vyzinsky OpticGard, dizajniran za Holosun 510C:
Housing color: Red
OpticGard - zaštita za nišan Holosun® 510C, koja osigurava zaštitu od letećih projektila i ogrebotina. Zahvaljujući pametnom dizajnu, zaštita odgovara većini zadnjih nišana i prigušivača. Uključuje također zamjensku leću za trening, koja omogućava korištenje nišana s crvenom tačkom pod jakim sunčevim svjetlom ili u svijetlom okruženju. Naša zaštita je izrađena od TPU (termoplastičnog poliuretana), materijala koji pruža otpornost na habanje. Osim toga, nudi brzo i lako postavljanje te osigurava lak pristup dugmadima bez potrebe za skidanjem zaštite. Kombinovani čavlići osiguravaju da zaštita ostaje na mjestu čak i prilikom jakih udaraca. Umorni ste od pokrivanja nišana samo tokom treninga? Naša zamjenska trenažna leća je moderno rješenje! Osnovne karakteristike: Ugodan za korištenje s puškom Zaštita od letećih projektila i ogrebotina Pametan dizajn, odgovara većini zadnjih nišana i prigušivača Uključuje zamjensku leću za trening u svijetlom okruženju Pruža ekskluzivne trenažne sesije Izrađen od TPU i polikarbonata, koji osiguravaju otpornost na habanje Kombinovani čavlići za sigurno pričvršćivanje čak i prilikom jakih udaraca NAPOMENA: ZAŠTITA OPTICGARD NIJE NUŽNO KOMPATIBILNA SA ZADNJIM NIŠANIMA POSTAVLJENIM ISPRED GLAVNOG NIŠANA. POTREBAN JE DOVOLJAN PROSTOR NA TIJELU NIŠANA ZA SIGURNO PRIČVRŠĆIVANJE. Entworfen in den USA. Patentanmeldung läuft - Der weltweit erste Zielfernrohrschutz, der Ihre Optik vor Absplittern, Kratzern und Schrammen während des Einsatzes schützt. Erhält die Sichtbarkeit des Rotpunkts, anders als andere Staubschutzabdeckungen, die vor der Nutzung vom Rotpunkt entfernt werden müssen. Stoßfest - Die Opticgard-Zielfernrohrabdeckung mit integrierten Verriegelungsstiften ist stoßfest und wurde entwickelt, um das Visier vor Kratzern und Schrammen durch regelmäßigen Gebrauch zu schützen. OpticGard-Abdeckung mit intelligentem Schnitt, um die Abdeckung an die meisten hinteren Visiere anzupassen. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für Okklusionstraining Schnelle und einfache Installation mit Zugang zu den Tasten Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027506 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 88.9x44.45x44.45 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: Red Težina: 56.7 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

39,90 €*
Escudo Vyzinsky OpticGard, dizajniran za Holosun 510C:
Housing color: Gunmetal
OpticGard - zaštita za nišan Holosun® 510C, koja osigurava zaštitu od letećih projektila i ogrebotina. Zahvaljujući pametnom dizajnu, zaštita odgovara većini zadnjih nišana i prigušivača. Uključuje također zamjensku leću za trening, koja omogućava korištenje nišana s crvenom tačkom pod jakim sunčevim svjetlom ili u svijetlom okruženju. Naša zaštita je izrađena od TPU (termoplastičnog poliuretana), materijala koji pruža otpornost na habanje. Osim toga, nudi brzo i lako postavljanje te osigurava lak pristup dugmadima bez potrebe za skidanjem zaštite. Kombinovani čavlići osiguravaju da zaštita ostaje na mjestu čak i prilikom jakih udaraca. Umorni ste od pokrivanja nišana samo tokom treninga? Naša zamjenska trenažna leća je moderno rješenje! Osnovne karakteristike: Ugodan za korištenje s puškom Zaštita od letećih projektila i ogrebotina Pametan dizajn, odgovara većini zadnjih nišana i prigušivača Uključuje zamjensku leću za trening u svijetlom okruženju Pruža ekskluzivne trenažne sesije Izrađen od TPU i polikarbonata, koji osiguravaju otpornost na habanje Kombinovani čavlići za sigurno pričvršćivanje čak i prilikom jakih udaraca NAPOMENA: ZAŠTITA OPTICGARD NIJE NUŽNO KOMPATIBILNA SA ZADNJIM NIŠANIMA POSTAVLJENIM ISPRED GLAVNOG NIŠANA. POTREBAN JE DOVOLJAN PROSTOR NA TIJELU NIŠANA ZA SIGURNO PRIČVRŠĆIVANJE. Entworfen in den USA. Patentanmeldung läuft - Der weltweit erste Zielfernrohrschutz, der Ihre Optik vor Absplittern, Kratzern und Schrammen während des Einsatzes schützt. Erhält die Sichtbarkeit des Rotpunkts, anders als andere Staubschutzabdeckungen, die vor der Nutzung vom Rotpunkt entfernt werden müssen. Stoßfest - Die Opticgard-Zielfernrohrabdeckung mit integrierten Verriegelungsstiften ist stoßfest und wurde entwickelt, um das Visier vor Kratzern und Schrammen durch regelmäßigen Gebrauch zu schützen. OpticGard-Abdeckung mit intelligentem Schnitt, um die Abdeckung an die meisten hinteren Visiere anzupassen. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für Okklusionstraining Schnelle und einfache Installation mit Zugang zu den Tasten Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027131 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 88.9x44.45x44.45 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: Gunmetal Težina: 56.7 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

39,90 €*
Escudo Vyzinsky OpticGard, dizajniran za Holosun 510C:
Housing color: OD Green
OpticGard - zaštita za nišan Holosun® 510C, koja osigurava zaštitu od letećih projektila i ogrebotina. Zahvaljujući pametnom dizajnu, zaštita odgovara većini zadnjih nišana i prigušivača. Uključuje također zamjensku leću za trening, koja omogućava korištenje nišana s crvenom tačkom pod jakim sunčevim svjetlom ili u svijetlom okruženju. Naša zaštita je izrađena od TPU (termoplastičnog poliuretana), materijala koji pruža otpornost na habanje. Osim toga, nudi brzo i lako postavljanje te osigurava lak pristup dugmadima bez potrebe za skidanjem zaštite. Kombinovani čavlići osiguravaju da zaštita ostaje na mjestu čak i prilikom jakih udaraca. Umorni ste od pokrivanja nišana samo tokom treninga? Naša zamjenska trenažna leća je moderno rješenje! Osnovne karakteristike: Ugodan za korištenje s puškom Zaštita od letećih projektila i ogrebotina Pametan dizajn, odgovara većini zadnjih nišana i prigušivača Uključuje zamjensku leću za trening u svijetlom okruženju Pruža ekskluzivne trenažne sesije Izrađen od TPU i polikarbonata, koji osiguravaju otpornost na habanje Kombinovani čavlići za sigurno pričvršćivanje čak i prilikom jakih udaraca NAPOMENA: ZAŠTITA OPTICGARD NIJE NUŽNO KOMPATIBILNA SA ZADNJIM NIŠANIMA POSTAVLJENIM ISPRED GLAVNOG NIŠANA. POTREBAN JE DOVOLJAN PROSTOR NA TIJELU NIŠANA ZA SIGURNO PRIČVRŠĆIVANJE. Entworfen in den USA. Patentanmeldung läuft - Der weltweit erste Zielfernrohrschutz, der Ihre Optik vor Absplittern, Kratzern und Schrammen während des Einsatzes schützt. Erhält die Sichtbarkeit des Rotpunkts, anders als andere Staubschutzabdeckungen, die vor der Nutzung vom Rotpunkt entfernt werden müssen. Stoßfest - Die Opticgard-Zielfernrohrabdeckung mit integrierten Verriegelungsstiften ist stoßfest und wurde entwickelt, um das Visier vor Kratzern und Schrammen durch regelmäßigen Gebrauch zu schützen. OpticGard-Abdeckung mit intelligentem Schnitt, um die Abdeckung an die meisten hinteren Visiere anzupassen. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für Okklusionstraining Schnelle und einfache Installation mit Zugang zu den Tasten Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027360 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 88.9x44.45x44.45 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: OD Green Težina: 56.7 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

39,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Black
Housing color: Black
THIS COVER IS DESIGNED FOR 407C-X2 /507C-X2, IT DOES NOT FIT HOLOSUN 507C-V2/407C-V2. The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® 507C-X2/407C-X2 offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Key Features: Can be used while using the firearm Offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches Intelligent cut fits most rear and suppressor sights Includes detachable training lens for use in bright areas Helps with occlusion training Made from TPU material and polycarbonate for abrasion protection Interlocking pins for secure fit, even with heavy recoil NOTE: OPTICGARD COVERS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH BACKUP SIGHTS THAT ARE MOUNTED IN FRONT OF THE OPTIC. SUFFICIENT SPACE IS NEEDED FOR THE COVER TO LATCH ONTO THE FRONT OF THE OPTIC HOUSING. NOTE: PLEASE INSTALL DETACHABLE LENS BEFORE COVER. Designed in USA Patent Pending- World's First Scope Protector That Protects Your Optics From Chips Scratches and Scuffs While in Action Maintains Red Dot Visibility Unlike Others Dust Cover Must Be Removed From Red Dot in Order For Use. Shockproof - Opticgard Scope Cover build in the Interlocking Pins Are Shockproof and is Designed to Shield the Optic From Scratches, Scuffs Caused by Regular Use OpticGard Cover with Intelligent Cut to Allow Cover to Fit Most of Rear Sight Includes a training lens for Occlussion training Fast and easy installation with access to buttons Dodaci ili pribor OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027063 UPC: 688292663570 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 50x34.29x34.29 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: Black Težina: 28.35 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

34,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Carbon Fiber
Housing color: Carbon Fiber
THIS COVER IS DESIGNED FOR 407C-X2 /507C-X2, IT DOES NOT FIT HOLOSUN 507C-V2/407C-V2. The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® 507C-X2/407C-X2 offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Key Features: Can be used while using the firearm Offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches Intelligent cut fits most rear and suppressor sights Includes detachable training lens for use in bright areas Helps with occlusion training Made from TPU material and polycarbonate for abrasion protection Interlocking pins for secure fit, even with heavy recoil NOTE: OPTICGARD COVERS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH BACKUP SIGHTS THAT ARE MOUNTED IN FRONT OF THE OPTIC. SUFFICIENT SPACE IS NEEDED FOR THE COVER TO LATCH ONTO THE FRONT OF THE OPTIC HOUSING. NOTE: PLEASE INSTALL DETACHABLE LENS BEFORE COVER. Designed in USA Patent Pending- World's First Scope Protector That Protects Your Optics From Chips Scratches and Scuffs While in Action Maintains Red Dot Visibility Unlike Others Dust Cover Must Be Removed From Red Dot in Order For Use. Shockproof - Opticgard Scope Cover build in the Interlocking Pins Are Shockproof and is Designed to Shield the Optic From Scratches, Scuffs Caused by Regular Use OpticGard Cover with Intelligent Cut to Allow Cover to Fit Most of Rear Sight Includes a training lens for Occlussion training Fast and easy installation with access to buttons Dodaci ili pribor OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027698 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 50x34.29x34.29 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: Carbon Fiber Težina: 28.35 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

Varijante iz 34,90 €*
39,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 FDE (Flat Dark Earth)
Housing color: FDE (Flat Dark Earth)
THIS COVER IS DESIGNED FOR 407C-X2 /507C-X2, IT DOES NOT FIT HOLOSUN 507C-V2/407C-V2. The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® 507C-X2/407C-X2 offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Key Features: Can be used while using the firearm Offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches Intelligent cut fits most rear and suppressor sights Includes detachable training lens for use in bright areas Helps with occlusion training Made from TPU material and polycarbonate for abrasion protection Interlocking pins for secure fit, even with heavy recoil NOTE: OPTICGARD COVERS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH BACKUP SIGHTS THAT ARE MOUNTED IN FRONT OF THE OPTIC. SUFFICIENT SPACE IS NEEDED FOR THE COVER TO LATCH ONTO THE FRONT OF THE OPTIC HOUSING. NOTE: PLEASE INSTALL DETACHABLE LENS BEFORE COVER. Designed in USA Patent Pending- World's First Scope Protector That Protects Your Optics From Chips Scratches and Scuffs While in Action Maintains Red Dot Visibility Unlike Others Dust Cover Must Be Removed From Red Dot in Order For Use. Shockproof - Opticgard Scope Cover build in the Interlocking Pins Are Shockproof and is Designed to Shield the Optic From Scratches, Scuffs Caused by Regular Use OpticGard Cover with Intelligent Cut to Allow Cover to Fit Most of Rear Sight Includes a training lens for Occlussion training Fast and easy installation with access to buttons Dodaci ili pribor OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027711 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 50x34.29x34.29 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: FDE (Flat Dark Earth) Težina: 28.35 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

34,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 FDE Camo
Housing color: FDE Camo
THIS COVER IS DESIGNED FOR 407C-X2 /507C-X2, IT DOES NOT FIT HOLOSUN 507C-V2/407C-V2. The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® 507C-X2/407C-X2 offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Key Features: Can be used while using the firearm Offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches Intelligent cut fits most rear and suppressor sights Includes detachable training lens for use in bright areas Helps with occlusion training Made from TPU material and polycarbonate for abrasion protection Interlocking pins for secure fit, even with heavy recoil NOTE: OPTICGARD COVERS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH BACKUP SIGHTS THAT ARE MOUNTED IN FRONT OF THE OPTIC. SUFFICIENT SPACE IS NEEDED FOR THE COVER TO LATCH ONTO THE FRONT OF THE OPTIC HOUSING. NOTE: PLEASE INSTALL DETACHABLE LENS BEFORE COVER. Designed in USA Patent Pending- World's First Scope Protector That Protects Your Optics From Chips Scratches and Scuffs While in Action Maintains Red Dot Visibility Unlike Others Dust Cover Must Be Removed From Red Dot in Order For Use. Shockproof - Opticgard Scope Cover build in the Interlocking Pins Are Shockproof and is Designed to Shield the Optic From Scratches, Scuffs Caused by Regular Use OpticGard Cover with Intelligent Cut to Allow Cover to Fit Most of Rear Sight Includes a training lens for Occlussion training Fast and easy installation with access to buttons Dodaci ili pribor OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027797 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 50x34.29x34.29 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: FDE Camo Težina: 28.35 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

Varijante iz 34,90 €*
39,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Gunmetal
Housing color: Gunmetal
THIS COVER IS DESIGNED FOR 407C-X2 /507C-X2, IT DOES NOT FIT HOLOSUN 507C-V2/407C-V2. The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® 507C-X2/407C-X2 offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Key Features: Can be used while using the firearm Offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches Intelligent cut fits most rear and suppressor sights Includes detachable training lens for use in bright areas Helps with occlusion training Made from TPU material and polycarbonate for abrasion protection Interlocking pins for secure fit, even with heavy recoil NOTE: OPTICGARD COVERS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH BACKUP SIGHTS THAT ARE MOUNTED IN FRONT OF THE OPTIC. SUFFICIENT SPACE IS NEEDED FOR THE COVER TO LATCH ONTO THE FRONT OF THE OPTIC HOUSING. NOTE: PLEASE INSTALL DETACHABLE LENS BEFORE COVER. Designed in USA Patent Pending- World's First Scope Protector That Protects Your Optics From Chips Scratches and Scuffs While in Action Maintains Red Dot Visibility Unlike Others Dust Cover Must Be Removed From Red Dot in Order For Use. Shockproof - Opticgard Scope Cover build in the Interlocking Pins Are Shockproof and is Designed to Shield the Optic From Scratches, Scuffs Caused by Regular Use OpticGard Cover with Intelligent Cut to Allow Cover to Fit Most of Rear Sight Includes a training lens for Occlussion training Fast and easy installation with access to buttons Dodaci ili pribor OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027117 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 50x34.29x34.29 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: Gunmetal Težina: 28.35 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

34,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Gunmetal Camo
Housing color: Gunmetal Camo
THIS COVER IS DESIGNED FOR 407C-X2 /507C-X2, IT DOES NOT FIT HOLOSUN 507C-V2/407C-V2. The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® 507C-X2/407C-X2 offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Key Features: Can be used while using the firearm Offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches Intelligent cut fits most rear and suppressor sights Includes detachable training lens for use in bright areas Helps with occlusion training Made from TPU material and polycarbonate for abrasion protection Interlocking pins for secure fit, even with heavy recoil NOTE: OPTICGARD COVERS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH BACKUP SIGHTS THAT ARE MOUNTED IN FRONT OF THE OPTIC. SUFFICIENT SPACE IS NEEDED FOR THE COVER TO LATCH ONTO THE FRONT OF THE OPTIC HOUSING. NOTE: PLEASE INSTALL DETACHABLE LENS BEFORE COVER. Designed in USA Patent Pending- World's First Scope Protector That Protects Your Optics From Chips Scratches and Scuffs While in Action Maintains Red Dot Visibility Unlike Others Dust Cover Must Be Removed From Red Dot in Order For Use. Shockproof - Opticgard Scope Cover build in the Interlocking Pins Are Shockproof and is Designed to Shield the Optic From Scratches, Scuffs Caused by Regular Use OpticGard Cover with Intelligent Cut to Allow Cover to Fit Most of Rear Sight Includes a training lens for Occlussion training Fast and easy installation with access to buttons Dodaci ili pribor OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027735 UPC: 688292725315 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 50x34.29x34.29 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: Gunmetal Camo Težina: 28.35 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

Varijante iz 34,90 €*
39,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Navy Camo
Housing color: Navy Camo
THIS COVER IS DESIGNED FOR 407C-X2 /507C-X2, IT DOES NOT FIT HOLOSUN 507C-V2/407C-V2. The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® 507C-X2/407C-X2 offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Key Features: Can be used while using the firearm Offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches Intelligent cut fits most rear and suppressor sights Includes detachable training lens for use in bright areas Helps with occlusion training Made from TPU material and polycarbonate for abrasion protection Interlocking pins for secure fit, even with heavy recoil NOTE: OPTICGARD COVERS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH BACKUP SIGHTS THAT ARE MOUNTED IN FRONT OF THE OPTIC. SUFFICIENT SPACE IS NEEDED FOR THE COVER TO LATCH ONTO THE FRONT OF THE OPTIC HOUSING. NOTE: PLEASE INSTALL DETACHABLE LENS BEFORE COVER. Designed in USA Patent Pending- World's First Scope Protector That Protects Your Optics From Chips Scratches and Scuffs While in Action Maintains Red Dot Visibility Unlike Others Dust Cover Must Be Removed From Red Dot in Order For Use. Shockproof - Opticgard Scope Cover build in the Interlocking Pins Are Shockproof and is Designed to Shield the Optic From Scratches, Scuffs Caused by Regular Use OpticGard Cover with Intelligent Cut to Allow Cover to Fit Most of Rear Sight Includes a training lens for Occlussion training Fast and easy installation with access to buttons Dodaci ili pribor OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027841 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 50x34.29x34.29 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: Navy Camo Težina: 28.35 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

Varijante iz 34,90 €*
39,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 OD Green
Housing color: OD Green
THIS COVER IS DESIGNED FOR 407C-X2 /507C-X2, IT DOES NOT FIT HOLOSUN 507C-V2/407C-V2. The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® 507C-X2/407C-X2 offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Key Features: Can be used while using the firearm Offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches Intelligent cut fits most rear and suppressor sights Includes detachable training lens for use in bright areas Helps with occlusion training Made from TPU material and polycarbonate for abrasion protection Interlocking pins for secure fit, even with heavy recoil NOTE: OPTICGARD COVERS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH BACKUP SIGHTS THAT ARE MOUNTED IN FRONT OF THE OPTIC. SUFFICIENT SPACE IS NEEDED FOR THE COVER TO LATCH ONTO THE FRONT OF THE OPTIC HOUSING. NOTE: PLEASE INSTALL DETACHABLE LENS BEFORE COVER. Designed in USA Patent Pending- World's First Scope Protector That Protects Your Optics From Chips Scratches and Scuffs While in Action Maintains Red Dot Visibility Unlike Others Dust Cover Must Be Removed From Red Dot in Order For Use. Shockproof - Opticgard Scope Cover build in the Interlocking Pins Are Shockproof and is Designed to Shield the Optic From Scratches, Scuffs Caused by Regular Use OpticGard Cover with Intelligent Cut to Allow Cover to Fit Most of Rear Sight Includes a training lens for Occlussion training Fast and easy installation with access to buttons Dodaci ili pribor OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027728 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 50x34.29x34.29 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: OD Green Težina: 28.35 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

34,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 OD Green Camo
Housing color: OD Green Camo
THIS COVER IS DESIGNED FOR 407C-X2 /507C-X2, IT DOES NOT FIT HOLOSUN 507C-V2/407C-V2. The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® 507C-X2/407C-X2 offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Key Features: Can be used while using the firearm Offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches Intelligent cut fits most rear and suppressor sights Includes detachable training lens for use in bright areas Helps with occlusion training Made from TPU material and polycarbonate for abrasion protection Interlocking pins for secure fit, even with heavy recoil NOTE: OPTICGARD COVERS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH BACKUP SIGHTS THAT ARE MOUNTED IN FRONT OF THE OPTIC. SUFFICIENT SPACE IS NEEDED FOR THE COVER TO LATCH ONTO THE FRONT OF THE OPTIC HOUSING. NOTE: PLEASE INSTALL DETACHABLE LENS BEFORE COVER. Designed in USA Patent Pending- World's First Scope Protector That Protects Your Optics From Chips Scratches and Scuffs While in Action Maintains Red Dot Visibility Unlike Others Dust Cover Must Be Removed From Red Dot in Order For Use. Shockproof - Opticgard Scope Cover build in the Interlocking Pins Are Shockproof and is Designed to Shield the Optic From Scratches, Scuffs Caused by Regular Use OpticGard Cover with Intelligent Cut to Allow Cover to Fit Most of Rear Sight Includes a training lens for Occlussion training Fast and easy installation with access to buttons Dodaci ili pribor OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027810 UPC: 688292725308 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 50x34.29x34.29 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: OD Green Camo Težina: 28.35 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

Varijante iz 34,90 €*
39,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Red
Housing color: Red
THIS COVER IS DESIGNED FOR 407C-X2 /507C-X2, IT DOES NOT FIT HOLOSUN 507C-V2/407C-V2. The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® 507C-X2/407C-X2 offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Key Features: Can be used while using the firearm Offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches Intelligent cut fits most rear and suppressor sights Includes detachable training lens for use in bright areas Helps with occlusion training Made from TPU material and polycarbonate for abrasion protection Interlocking pins for secure fit, even with heavy recoil NOTE: OPTICGARD COVERS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH BACKUP SIGHTS THAT ARE MOUNTED IN FRONT OF THE OPTIC. SUFFICIENT SPACE IS NEEDED FOR THE COVER TO LATCH ONTO THE FRONT OF THE OPTIC HOUSING. NOTE: PLEASE INSTALL DETACHABLE LENS BEFORE COVER. Designed in USA Patent Pending- World's First Scope Protector That Protects Your Optics From Chips Scratches and Scuffs While in Action Maintains Red Dot Visibility Unlike Others Dust Cover Must Be Removed From Red Dot in Order For Use. Shockproof - Opticgard Scope Cover build in the Interlocking Pins Are Shockproof and is Designed to Shield the Optic From Scratches, Scuffs Caused by Regular Use OpticGard Cover with Intelligent Cut to Allow Cover to Fit Most of Rear Sight Includes a training lens for Occlussion training Fast and easy installation with access to buttons Dodaci ili pribor OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027681 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 50x34.29x34.29 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: Red Težina: 28.35 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

34,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Red Camo
Housing color: Red Camo
THIS COVER IS DESIGNED FOR 407C-X2 /507C-X2, IT DOES NOT FIT HOLOSUN 507C-V2/407C-V2. The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® 507C-X2/407C-X2 offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Key Features: Can be used while using the firearm Offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches Intelligent cut fits most rear and suppressor sights Includes detachable training lens for use in bright areas Helps with occlusion training Made from TPU material and polycarbonate for abrasion protection Interlocking pins for secure fit, even with heavy recoil NOTE: OPTICGARD COVERS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH BACKUP SIGHTS THAT ARE MOUNTED IN FRONT OF THE OPTIC. SUFFICIENT SPACE IS NEEDED FOR THE COVER TO LATCH ONTO THE FRONT OF THE OPTIC HOUSING. NOTE: PLEASE INSTALL DETACHABLE LENS BEFORE COVER. Designed in USA Patent Pending- World's First Scope Protector That Protects Your Optics From Chips Scratches and Scuffs While in Action Maintains Red Dot Visibility Unlike Others Dust Cover Must Be Removed From Red Dot in Order For Use. Shockproof - Opticgard Scope Cover build in the Interlocking Pins Are Shockproof and is Designed to Shield the Optic From Scratches, Scuffs Caused by Regular Use OpticGard Cover with Intelligent Cut to Allow Cover to Fit Most of Rear Sight Includes a training lens for Occlussion training Fast and easy installation with access to buttons Dodaci ili pribor OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027759 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 50x34.29x34.29 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: Red Camo Težina: 28.35 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

Varijante iz 34,90 €*
39,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 White
Housing color: White
THIS COVER IS DESIGNED FOR 407C-X2 /507C-X2, IT DOES NOT FIT HOLOSUN 507C-V2/407C-V2. The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® 507C-X2/407C-X2 offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Key Features: Can be used while using the firearm Offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches Intelligent cut fits most rear and suppressor sights Includes detachable training lens for use in bright areas Helps with occlusion training Made from TPU material and polycarbonate for abrasion protection Interlocking pins for secure fit, even with heavy recoil NOTE: OPTICGARD COVERS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH BACKUP SIGHTS THAT ARE MOUNTED IN FRONT OF THE OPTIC. SUFFICIENT SPACE IS NEEDED FOR THE COVER TO LATCH ONTO THE FRONT OF THE OPTIC HOUSING. NOTE: PLEASE INSTALL DETACHABLE LENS BEFORE COVER. Designed in USA Patent Pending- World's First Scope Protector That Protects Your Optics From Chips Scratches and Scuffs While in Action Maintains Red Dot Visibility Unlike Others Dust Cover Must Be Removed From Red Dot in Order For Use. Shockproof - Opticgard Scope Cover build in the Interlocking Pins Are Shockproof and is Designed to Shield the Optic From Scratches, Scuffs Caused by Regular Use OpticGard Cover with Intelligent Cut to Allow Cover to Fit Most of Rear Sight Includes a training lens for Occlussion training Fast and easy installation with access to buttons Dodaci ili pribor OpticGard Training Lens for Holosun 507C- X2/407C-X2 Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132027070 Garancija: 1 Godine Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Dimenzije: 50x34.29x34.29 mm -> mm Materijal: Thermoplastisches Polyurethane (TPU) & Polycarbonate (PC) Boja kućišta: White Težina: 28.35 g Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

34,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun SCRS RD MRS Black
Housing color: Black
The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® SCRS offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Note: Important Information OpticGard Covers may not be compatible with backup sights that are mounted in front of the optic. Sufficient space is needed for the cover to latch onto the front of the optic housing. OpticGard will add approximately 0.08 inches (2mm) to the sides of the optic. If using in conjunction with a holster, please make sure there is sufficient spacing between the holster with the cover on. Designed in den USA: Vollwertiger Optikschutz für Ihr Reflexvisier. Schützt vor Splittern, Kratzern, Patronenhülsen und Abnutzung. Stoßhemmend: Die OpticGard Schutzabdeckung ist schockabsorbierend und kann dauerhaft installiert bleiben ohne die Schusswaffennutzung einzuschränken. OpticGard-Schutzabdeckung mit präziser Kontur, die eine passgenaue Montage und vollen Zugriff auf die Bedienelemente ihres Reflexvisiers gewährleistet. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für das unverzichtbare Okklusionstraining. Schnelle, einfache und komplett werkzeuglose Installation/Deinstallation. Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132032272 UPC: 688293031033 Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Boja kućišta: Black Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

39,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun SCRS RD MRS Carbon Fiber
Housing color: Carbon Fiber
The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® SCRS offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Note: Important Information OpticGard Covers may not be compatible with backup sights that are mounted in front of the optic. Sufficient space is needed for the cover to latch onto the front of the optic housing. OpticGard will add approximately 0.08 inches (2mm) to the sides of the optic. If using in conjunction with a holster, please make sure there is sufficient spacing between the holster with the cover on. Designed in den USA: Vollwertiger Optikschutz für Ihr Reflexvisier. Schützt vor Splittern, Kratzern, Patronenhülsen und Abnutzung. Stoßhemmend: Die OpticGard Schutzabdeckung ist schockabsorbierend und kann dauerhaft installiert bleiben ohne die Schusswaffennutzung einzuschränken. OpticGard-Schutzabdeckung mit präziser Kontur, die eine passgenaue Montage und vollen Zugriff auf die Bedienelemente ihres Reflexvisiers gewährleistet. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für das unverzichtbare Okklusionstraining. Schnelle, einfache und komplett werkzeuglose Installation/Deinstallation. Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132032487 UPC: 688293031163 Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Boja kućišta: Carbon Fiber Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

Varijante iz 39,90 €*
49,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun SCRS RD MRS FDE (Flat Dark Earth)
Housing color: FDE (Flat Dark Earth)
The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® SCRS offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Note: Important Information OpticGard Covers may not be compatible with backup sights that are mounted in front of the optic. Sufficient space is needed for the cover to latch onto the front of the optic housing. OpticGard will add approximately 0.08 inches (2mm) to the sides of the optic. If using in conjunction with a holster, please make sure there is sufficient spacing between the holster with the cover on. Designed in den USA: Vollwertiger Optikschutz für Ihr Reflexvisier. Schützt vor Splittern, Kratzern, Patronenhülsen und Abnutzung. Stoßhemmend: Die OpticGard Schutzabdeckung ist schockabsorbierend und kann dauerhaft installiert bleiben ohne die Schusswaffennutzung einzuschränken. OpticGard-Schutzabdeckung mit präziser Kontur, die eine passgenaue Montage und vollen Zugriff auf die Bedienelemente ihres Reflexvisiers gewährleistet. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für das unverzichtbare Okklusionstraining. Schnelle, einfache und komplett werkzeuglose Installation/Deinstallation. Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132032296 UPC: 688293031040 Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Boja kućišta: FDE (Flat Dark Earth) Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

39,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun SCRS RD MRS FDE Camo
Housing color: FDE Camo
The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® SCRS offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Note: Important Information OpticGard Covers may not be compatible with backup sights that are mounted in front of the optic. Sufficient space is needed for the cover to latch onto the front of the optic housing. OpticGard will add approximately 0.08 inches (2mm) to the sides of the optic. If using in conjunction with a holster, please make sure there is sufficient spacing between the holster with the cover on. Designed in den USA: Vollwertiger Optikschutz für Ihr Reflexvisier. Schützt vor Splittern, Kratzern, Patronenhülsen und Abnutzung. Stoßhemmend: Die OpticGard Schutzabdeckung ist schockabsorbierend und kann dauerhaft installiert bleiben ohne die Schusswaffennutzung einzuschränken. OpticGard-Schutzabdeckung mit präziser Kontur, die eine passgenaue Montage und vollen Zugriff auf die Bedienelemente ihres Reflexvisiers gewährleistet. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für das unverzichtbare Okklusionstraining. Schnelle, einfache und komplett werkzeuglose Installation/Deinstallation. Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132032289 UPC: 688293031170 Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Boja kućišta: FDE Camo Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

Varijante iz 39,90 €*
49,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun SCRS RD MRS Gunmetal
Housing color: Gunmetal
The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® SCRS offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Note: Important Information OpticGard Covers may not be compatible with backup sights that are mounted in front of the optic. Sufficient space is needed for the cover to latch onto the front of the optic housing. OpticGard will add approximately 0.08 inches (2mm) to the sides of the optic. If using in conjunction with a holster, please make sure there is sufficient spacing between the holster with the cover on. Designed in den USA: Vollwertiger Optikschutz für Ihr Reflexvisier. Schützt vor Splittern, Kratzern, Patronenhülsen und Abnutzung. Stoßhemmend: Die OpticGard Schutzabdeckung ist schockabsorbierend und kann dauerhaft installiert bleiben ohne die Schusswaffennutzung einzuschränken. OpticGard-Schutzabdeckung mit präziser Kontur, die eine passgenaue Montage und vollen Zugriff auf die Bedienelemente ihres Reflexvisiers gewährleistet. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für das unverzichtbare Okklusionstraining. Schnelle, einfache und komplett werkzeuglose Installation/Deinstallation. Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132032500 UPC: 688293031064 Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Boja kućišta: Gunmetal Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

39,90 €*
OpticGard for Holosun SCRS RD MRS Gunmetal Camo
Housing color: Gunmetal Camo
The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® SCRS offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides. Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution! Note: Important Information OpticGard Covers may not be compatible with backup sights that are mounted in front of the optic. Sufficient space is needed for the cover to latch onto the front of the optic housing. OpticGard will add approximately 0.08 inches (2mm) to the sides of the optic. If using in conjunction with a holster, please make sure there is sufficient spacing between the holster with the cover on. Designed in den USA: Vollwertiger Optikschutz für Ihr Reflexvisier. Schützt vor Splittern, Kratzern, Patronenhülsen und Abnutzung. Stoßhemmend: Die OpticGard Schutzabdeckung ist schockabsorbierend und kann dauerhaft installiert bleiben ohne die Schusswaffennutzung einzuschränken. OpticGard-Schutzabdeckung mit präziser Kontur, die eine passgenaue Montage und vollen Zugriff auf die Bedienelemente ihres Reflexvisiers gewährleistet. Enthält eine Trainingslinse für das unverzichtbare Okklusionstraining. Schnelle, einfache und komplett werkzeuglose Installation/Deinstallation. Osnovni podaci EAN: 4055132032241 UPC: 688293031194 Warentarifna broj: 90139005000 Mehanički parametri Boja kućišta: Gunmetal Camo Informacije o sigurnosti proizvoda Proizvođač Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected] Odgovorni ekonomski subjekt Picotronic GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str.2a 56070 Koblenz Deutschland [email protected]

Varijante iz 39,90 €*
49,90 €*